
Intelligent Paper Planning

With minimal training, start to place, move and adjust display advertising layouts (print & tablet) with ease.

Receive Bookings from Any Booking System

QuickLayout accepts display advertisements in a range of formats (Automated booking service API, XML, ADS or custom import) and paginates a publication quickly ready to integrate with a desktop publishing package such as Adobe InDesign, Roxen Editorial Portal or your existing editorial system.

Create the Publication Layout

Advertising data is collated & used to distribute advertisements across pages according to publication requirements, press configuration, advertisement requirements and priority.

QuickLayout then positions these advertisements on appropriate pages and sections.

Automatic Pagination and Fine Tuning

Hundreds of advertisements can be automatically paginated from import to save time and extend your production deadlines.

Pagination is controlled by a fast, customisable AI based algorithm that distributes advertisements across the publication. With added flexibility, QuickLayout enables managers to select and order advertisements to specific requirements.

Publication Layers - Impositions, Folios and more

QuickLayout's pagination tools allow for easy application of Special Position requests (preferred & premium positions), Press imposition schemes, Folio schemes, Section stacking & Directional bias.

Facing pages, Double page spreads, Zones, Series ads, On hold and Tentative ads, Editorial content and Specialist house ads, are just a few more types of pages and ads handled by the pagination tools.

Release to Editorial - Integration made easy

QuickLayout is designed to drop into the middle of the production flow and be integrated with any Booking System and any Editorial System. Seamless integration allows pre-press to continue to flow without fuss and allow Advertising, Production & Editorial to never miss a beat. When your Layout is ready to go simply "Release to Editorial" and you Layout will be created in the Editorial System.

Help when you need it

... and of course, QuickLayout comes with a full support package including technical training and updates to make you feel loved.

Optima Viewer

Share your Layout with the whole team

Optima Viewer is a web application used by the whole enterprise to view all the general information about a Layout in real time & to manage the edition life cycle.

Everything in one spot

With Optima Viewer, advertising, production, administration, edition control, editorial, management & print sites have all the information about a Layout in one handy location.

Users can confirm at a glance ad placement, advertiser details, copy control information, ad artwork previews, finished page previews, financial information on an ad, page, section and edition level & much more, updated in real time.

Reports, figures and page plans

Each Optima Viewer user has varied secured access allowing only those with permissions to view financial information, generate reports and PDF page plans all from one spot & in their own time.

This frees up the layout team alone to get on with the job, rather than spending endless hours answering questions.

Integrated with production tools

Optima Viewer can be integrated with artwork management & tracking tools to provide detailed material instructions, copy status & live previews of each advertisement in the layout.

When integrated with the Editorial System, Optima Viewer can also preview finished pages to provide a final view of the complete layout.

Current, future and historic layout are kept in the database, so users can view any layout at any time.